Working as a team
Customer Centricity
Customers are our purpose. We start with the customer and work backwards; while we focus on building Great Apps and solving Wicked Problems, above all else we work vigorously to earn and keep customer trust.
Insist on High Standards
Team members relentlessly impose high standards to continually raise the bar and prove why clients are passionate about Mercury. We value ensuring that defects do not get sent down the line and that problems stay fixed.
Be Agile
We practice both upper case and lower case agile. As individuals we are responsive to change and as a group, we strive to satisfy our clients through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
Be Analytical
“Prove it to me”. “Show me your analysis”. “Where are your working papers?” These are culturally-acceptable questions to pose to your co-workers – we make decisions based on facts far more often than preferences or “how we’ve done it before”.
Bias for Action
Speed matters in business. Many decisions and actions are reversible and do not need extensive study. As such, we value a tendency towards action and calculated risk-taking over over-studying and navel gazing.
Focus Your Efforts
At 211 degrees, water is hot but at 212 degrees it boils and you’ve got steam power. Instead of making a bunch of warm work “water”, we boil targeted initiatives. We focus our work on first principles and root causes; we don’t just toy around with symptoms or stopgap approaches.
Get Things Done
It’s nice to be smart and it’s great to use the newest techniques. It’s more important to actually ship working software, solve a client’s problems and generally “get stuff done”. At Mercury, getting things done is the ultimate pursuit.
Do What You Say
Be reliable. Plan your work, stick to it and deliver against your promises. When things aren’t going well, we value early and forthright communication. Whether you’re dealing with a customer, team member or manager doing what you say establishes an incredibly tight bond.
Show Empathy
Building software is hard; pleasing clients is challenging. There is no point in making those efforts any more difficult than they already are. Have empathy for your co-workers, your clients and your direct reports – show them you care and you’ll be amazed at the results.
Employ Elegant Solutions
Simplicity – the art of maximizing the amount of work not done – is essential. Few moving parts, loose coupling and easily-explainable approaches are worth their weight in gold. The simplest solution (and no simpler) is always best and that is what we seek at Mercury.
Everything Is A Work In Progress
Not much of value is ever complete – creating and getting started is highly valued at Mercury. As people, as an organization and as work product we are always a work in progress. Mint new ideas, start a creation, progress it and welcome feedback to make it better!