Adding Motion and Interactivity To Your Website
The attention span of web audiences has decreased to an all time low, with statistics giving an average of 7-10 seconds for literate adults. A primary mission of your website is to increase that attention span. You want your viewer to stick around long enough so that they take the next step of contacting you, signing up for your services or buying your products online. While the attention span on static websites is shrinking, the attention span for watching a video is increasing. Universal McCann estimated that 74.2% of US Internet users watched online video daily or every other day in 2008.
A leading way to lengthen the stay of your visitor is to let video or flash animation tell an important part of your story. Users are very responsive to receiving information in this exciting, easy fashion and therefore more likely to pay attention long enough for you to engage them. Once your audience is engaged, they are more likely to follow your call to action.
Great ideas for motion implementation on your site are:
- video testimonials from your clients, which also add credibility to your product or service
- a company overview or commercial to introduce the company
- an animation showcasing compelling product photography
- a portfolio slideshow of your best work
If you are interested in using the power of motion to spice up your website, contact your Mercury Relationship Manager for some suggestions tailored specifically for your business.