

No-Code, Low-Code, Pro-Code featured post

No-Code, Low-Code, Pro-Code

The future of software development no longer consists of strictly labor-intensive conventional coding. The addition of no-/low-code software development has created a spectrum of options that can be used to drive efficiency and meet the needs of your users.

Microsoft 365 / Strategy

Modernizing Business Applications in 2020 and Beyond featured post

Modernizing Business Applications in 2020 and Beyond

Everything is changing—and nothing is changing about that anytime soon. Now more than ever, application modernization and the agility it brings prepares companies for potential disruptions and enables them to quickly take advantage of new opportunities.


How MercuryWorks Works Remotely featured post

How MercuryWorks Works Remotely

Like so many businesses, MercuryWorks has put great energy into grappling with the impacts of COVID-19 shelter-in-place/stay-at-home orders. We needed to quickly and smoothly shift all employees to working from home. This brought work lifestyle changes to the forefront. This post is intended to highlight some of the moves, tools and techniques we implemented to work completely remotely.

Microsoft 365 / Strategy

Educating the Client: 5 Key Guidelines to Set Yourself Up for Success featured post

Educating the Client: 5 Key Guidelines to Set Yourself Up for Success

If you are familiar with professional service companies specializing in Web Development or Digital Applications, then you are undoubtedly aware of the pressures and day-to-day struggles that come with meeting the demands of clients. Contrary to social folklore, the customer is not ALWAYS right, however they should always be HEARD. Instead of arguing and potentially losing a client, here are some helpful actions meant to prevent you or your company from constantly battling over the same ground.


Enhanced and Efficient Design with Rapid Prototyping featured post

Enhanced and Efficient Design with Rapid Prototyping

Design is incredibly subjective and each person has their own opinions and interpretations. To ensure your vision is realized you can implement interface prototyping to visually display thousands of words worth of design and development requirements regarding how a system should both look and behave.

Front-end / Strategy

Validated Learning Using Google Analytics featured post

Validated Learning Using Google Analytics

The rising demand for getting a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) to the market as quickly as possible has highlighted the criticality of Validated Learning within the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC.) Throughout the remainder of this blog post, we’re going to apply 2 of the 5 principles in Eric Ries’ book “The Lean Startup”: (1) Validated Learning and (2) Build-Measure-Learn. Let’s consider our first scenario.

Agile / Strategy

Dealing with Technical Debt featured post

Dealing with Technical Debt

Hopefully by now it has become apparent that it is nearly impossible to avoid accumulating technical debt while building software and systems. The question is not so much whether or not you are going to take on technical debt but rather how quickly, what kind and what you are going to do about it in the long term.
