

Enterprise Application Security Development Best Practices featured post

Enterprise Application Security Development Best Practices

Application security is exactly what it sounds like – making an application secure so as to prevent breaches that compromise proprietary and/or sensitive information.  As the partner responsible for application construction and deployment at MercuryWorks, I ensure that we start by architecting application security in a secure fashion from inception.  This blog post provides some […]

Back-end / Front-end

GitHub Copilot at MercuryWorks featured post

GitHub Copilot at MercuryWorks

GitHub Copilot is here to become “your AI pair programmer”. With that promised value, we could hardly resist a test spin through GitHub’s new AI offering. While initially released in late 2021 as a technical preview, the licensed version that made it business-viable (more on that later) was announced in fall 2023. At that point, […]

Back-end / Front-end / Strategy

How MercuryWorks Leverages AI Tools in Software Development Practices  featured post

How MercuryWorks Leverages AI Tools in Software Development Practices 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is clearly garnering an inordinate amount of attention these days with GPT, DALL-E, Bard, LLaMA, and more dominating news headlines in 2023.  These AI systems captivate imaginations and bring to life the power of AI by putting it into the hands of the mainstream, building upon the familiarity introduced by Alexa and […]

Back-end / Strategy

The Engineering Acronyms We Swear By featured post

The Engineering Acronyms We Swear By

Engineering is a complex and ever-evolving field that requires clear and concise communication in order to be successful. Whether you’re a seasoned engineer with years of experience or just starting out in the field, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the most common and useful engineering acronyms.

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