Transparency in Coverage
Transparency Rules require that non-grandfathered
insured and self-insured (including level-funded) group health plans post machine readable rate
and payment files on a public site no later than July 1, 2022.
Transparency Rules require that non-grandfathered
insured and self-insured (including level-funded) group health plans post machine readable rate
and payment files on a public site no later than July 1, 2022.
BarCamp Tampa Bay has come and gone for 2014. This year’s event was held on Saturday, October 18th at USF’s College of Business. It was my first BarCamp event, and being billed as “a day by geeks, for geeks, and about geeks” I was really looking forward to it. I’ve written up a review of the conference in general and of the sessions I attended from this year’s event.
On Friday afternoon May 09, 2014 the Mercury New Media team set off for Canoe Escape for our annual team event. Upon arrival each team member was handed their oar, life jacket and demonstrated the finer points of paddling. After our short tutorial we paired up with our paddling partner and headed for the river to begin our 4 mile adventure.
We have signed on as a co-sponsor of the 6th annual Bar/Code Camp Tampa Bay. Bar/Code Camp is the “un-conference” for geeks and non-geeks alike, organized on-the-fly by attendees, for attendees